Cornwall YFC standing together

Supporting Cornwall’s young farmers through the pandemic

Cornish Mutual has provided a package of support to help the Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (YFCs) through the Covid-19 crisis.

The South West insurer has given the federation a financial donation and in-kind support, to help its 20 local clubs to recover from the impact of the pandemic. The crisis has resulted in all of the planned YFC fundraising events being cancelled.

Cornish Mutual has a long history of supporting Young Farmers’ Clubs across the South West. This latest package of support to the Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs will help the organisation to run activities and training for its 800 members.

Cornish Mutual has also provided the federation with IT and website support and delivered first aid training for two of its clubs, earlier this year.

The federation’s clubs usually get together weekly for games, activities and meetings, as well as running outings and visits. During the Covid-19 crisis, they have been using video conferencing and social media to keep in touch with members and maintain regular social interaction and support, which is a key part of the Young Farmers ethos.

The support from Cornish Mutual also enabled the federation to run an online livestock show in June.

Cornish Mutual Managing Director, Peter Beaumont, said: “As a mutual insurer that is owned by its Members, we are committed to supporting rural communities across the South West.

“We are very proud to provide the Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs with ongoing sponsorship. When the pandemic hit, we wanted to do something extra to support them through these challenging times, so we approached them to see how we could help.

“The Young Farmers’ Clubs play a vital role in many of our Members’ lives. As well as being a key part of the social lives of young people in rural areas, they also provide a range of training opportunities. We are delighted to help ensure they can continue to provide that vital support to the farmers of the future.”

The Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs is running online quizzes and continuing with its My Mind Matters campaign, which supports the mental health of young people in rural areas.

Kelly Evans, County Organiser for the Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs said: “We are truly grateful to Cornish Mutual for their third, very generous, donation. This support is helping us to maintain a full staff team to provide activities, training opportunities and support to rural young people all over Cornwall.

“With the cancellation of all of our fundraisers during lockdown, this sponsorship is so valuable in supporting us to keep the federation moving forward and adapting, during these changing times.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to Cornish Mutual for the financial donation and support. It makes such a difference to the many young people and families who are a part of the federation.”

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