Loss prevention services & support

Whether its looking to reduce fire risk on your farm or providing more information on rural crime across the South West, we are committed to providing the support and services you need to help protect your farm and prevent losses before they happen.


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Peter Old Cornhill Farm Farmer with son inspecting eggs

Real Food Heroes

Cornhill Farm

Cornish farmer Len Olds believes his chickens’ wholesome, homemade diet is the secret to the success of the family’s free range egg farm. Find Out More

Latest News

04 Feb


Often thought of as simply ‘shutting the gate’ on a piece of land, farming consultant Jim Bliss explains why rewilding requires an active approach in the UK, while regenerative agronomist Hugo Ellis describes it as driving for balance and diversity in habitats and farm enterprises. And livestock, they say, are essential. On his Nuffield travels, Jim Bliss saw some spectacular examples of what he calls ‘passive’ rewilding, where stock had been removed from the land and nature returned – Patagonia National Park being one. But the UK doesn’t have the space to take this approach. “So, it's much better to have active rewilding, which does involve farming, just in a more nuanced way, where it's all about diversity,” says Jim.
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Upcoming Events

Tuesday 25th February

Understanding SFI workshops: Nutrient Management Plan

11am-2pm | Duchy College Rosewarne

Wednesday 26th February

Understanding SFI workshops: Integrated Pest Management

11am-2pm | Duchy College Rosewarne