The different ways into farming


We hear from young farmers in the South West starting out on their farming career either through returning home to the family farm or by securing a council tenancy.
For further advice on how to start the conversation on succession, speak to your accountant, farm consultant or contact a specialist facilitator.
Niall Tewson with cows

Young farmer’s aspirations change direction of family farm

A trip to New Zealand persuaded Niall Tewson a dairy unit on the family’s beef and sheep farm might be the way to put his stamp on the family farm.

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Avril Trehane Cornish Farmer

Taking the reins of the family farm successfully

Avril Trehane has slowly but surely successfully taken command of her family’s 100-acre farm. We find out how.

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Harry Knott and Grace Barwell

Getting into farming was no easy task

Harry Knott and his partner started their own farm through Dorset Council’s County Farms Estate system. Getting there, however, was not easy.

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Three areas to cover when discussing succession

Russ Haworth suggests a practical approach to help navigate the more emotional elements of the succession planning process.

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Talking is key to succession planning

When the succession process hits some hurdles, mediation can be the answer. Mediation specialist Jo Speed, from Kite Consulting, describes how she helps families through those tricky situations.

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Addressing feelings as well as practicalities

Family business adviser Russ Haworth may seem to be stating the obvious by saying everyone going through succession is emotionally involved, but he outlines why not facing these emotional barriers can derail the process.

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Heather Wildman from The Prince’s Farm Resilience Programme

Tips for tackling farm succession

Heather Wildman has spent 26 years working with UK farmers. Now based in Scotland, she specialises in managing change in rural businesses, and facilitates The Prince’s Farm Resilience Programme workshop on ‘succession’. Here she discusses when and how to start the conversation.

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Catherine Vickery Tax Consultant at Old Mill

A financially strategic plan for farming succession

Taking control of succession planning enables you to better manage family relationships, reduce tax bills, and make positive changes for the future. So how do you go about starting such discussions?

Catherine Vickery, Tax Consultant at Old Mill provides some advice. 

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Rotary milking parlour

Starting a farming business close to the family farm

Cornish Mutual Member, Heydon Dark, took the opportunity to start his own dairy herd when a 100-acre farm came up for sale within 3-4 miles of his family farm in Cornwall.

His father runs an all-year-round calving herd of 200 high-yielding Holstein on a robotic system with Heydon’s uncle. The business is well staffed, involving one of Heydon’s brothers, so Heydon recognised it was unable to support another family member and found his own place.

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